Call Center AI
Design of a logo, style guide, marketing deck and dashboard design for a call log analysis AI tool
Design of an internal solution that can help clients obtain a 360-degree overview of their call center’s activities through indicator values of occurrences. Creation of a logo, style guide, marketing deck, and dashboard design for CCAI.
CCAI is an innovative and customizable enabler for enhancing communication functionality by leveraging data and advanced Machine Learning to derive conversational intents and insights from transcribed call center conversations.
Throughout the process, collaboration and feedback loops were established with stakeholders to ensure alignment with their expectations and requirements. Iterative design refinements were made based on user testing and feedback to optimize the user experience and visual impact.
The interactive Call Center AI dashboard comprises two key components - Overview and Topic Analysis.
•The Overview provides a quick snapshot of call volume and call characteristics.
•The Topic Analysis takes a deep dive into call content by extracting conversational topics and key indicators as well as providing a map of operational concerns.
Providing competitive edge to healthcare providers by refocusing on quality of care. Unlocking critical caller insights by highlighting agents and customers intents in a visual dashboard to identify the conversations the business should focus on, access the efficacy and perform root cause analysis.
The outcome was a cohesive and visually compelling brand identity that effectively conveyed the tool's capabilities and value proposition to its target audience.