What’s Your Poison?

What’s Your Poison?

What’s Your Poison?

Comprehensive set of Brand Guidelines for a concept beverage label

Comprehensive set of Brand Guidelines for a concept beverage label

Comprehensive set of Brand Guidelines for a concept beverage label

Brand Guidelines Logo Type Color

Brand Guidelines Logo Type Color

Brand Guidelines Logo Type Color




As part of a Typography & Visual Design course at Parsons, I embarked on a creative journey to develop a new concept brand from scratch. The process began with a deep exploration of the brand's essence and values. Through extensive research and ideation, I crafted a unique Tone of Voice that effectively conveyed the brand's personality and connected with the target audience. This distinctive voice set the foundation for all brand communications and interactions.

As part of a Typography & Visual Design course at Parsons, I embarked on a creative journey to develop a new concept brand from scratch. The process began with a deep exploration of the brand's essence and values. Through extensive research and ideation, I crafted a unique Tone of Voice that effectively conveyed the brand's personality and connected with the target audience. This distinctive voice set the foundation for all brand communications and interactions.




Next, I focused on designing a compelling logo that captured the essence of the brand. Drawing inspiration from the brand's core values and aesthetics, I crafted a visually striking and memorable logo that represented its identity and purpose. Color selection played a crucial role in creating a cohesive and impactful visual identity. By carefully selecting colors that aligned with the brand's personality and values, I created a harmonious and engaging color palette that evoked the desired emotions and perceptions. Typography was another important aspect of the brand guidelines. I carefully curated a typography system that encompassed various fonts and typefaces, ensuring they aligned with the brand's personality and were legible across different applications. To further enhance the brand's visual identity, I developed graphic elements that added depth and visual interest. Lastly, I explored the application of graphic materials on packaging.

© Andrea Makhlouf 2023